ArisFlow News

ArisFlow 2.8.1 is available for download.

Most important changes in ArisFlow 2.8.1:

  • The utility ArcMapView is now compatible for use with ArcGIS 10.3.1.
  • The examples ArcMapModelBuilder and ArcMapPython are compatible with ArcMap 10.3.1.
  • Regional settings other than "US" are now better supported by ArcMapView.
  • Checking data with FGDBBrowser now ignores by default changes in index files.
  • FGDBBrowser has a new optioin "-a" to check all files (including index files).
  • Browsing data with FGDBBrowser now defaults to a list in alphabetical order.
  • The geodatatypes example now also contains FGDB Raster data.
  • Projects of earlier ArisFlow 2.x versions can be openend.
  • Projects saved in version 2.8.1 cannot be be opened by versions before 2.8.0.

Most important changes in ArisFlow 2.8.0:

  • Dialogs are openend with a default size and on a default position after starting ArisFlow.
  • Dialog size and position will be remembered within an ArisFlow session (until closing ArisFlow).
  • Special Directories, Environment Variables and Variables are new in Definition section of Print report.
  • Removed obsolete components in Installation Setup.
  • Support has ended for Windows Vista / Windows Server 2003 and older (but might still work).
  • Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 are new supported platforms.
  • Projects of earlier ArisFlow 2.x versions can be openend.
  • Projects saved in version 2.8.0 cannot be opened by previous versions.

New in previous versions:

  • Many improvements of the execution log file containing valuable extra information about: Variables, Directories, Programs, Input and Output Data.
  • Better layout of the execution log file.
  • Help is now in CHM format so the help is suitable for Windows Vista/7/2008.
  • The examples ArcMapModelBuilder and ArcMapPython are compatible with ArcGIS 10.1.
  • The Utility ArcMapView is compatible with ArcMap 10.1.


ArisFlow example with FGDBBrowser utility
  • ArisFlow is released for Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • ArisFlow will work with 64-bit Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 as 32-bit application.
  • A new browser and checker for ArcGIS 10 File Geodatabase datasets: FGDBBrowser (uses "File Geodatabase API", so no ArcGIS license is needed).
  • The new example geodatatypes.afd contains most user defined datatypes that use the geodatabrowser or FGDBBrowser for browsing and checking geographical datasets.


ArisFlow example for Modelbuilder
  • ArisFlow is released for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  • Existing ArcGIS examples work for ArcGIS 9.2 and ArcGIS 9.3.
  • ArcGIS examples without VBA also work for ArcGIS 10.0.
  • A new ArcGIS 9.3 and ArcGIS 10.0 example executing a model in ModelBuilder.


ArcGIS toolbox with Modelbuilder model executed by ArisFlow

See "What´s new" section in the ArisFlow Help for a detailed list of new features and bug fixes.